What is the most unusual animal in Australia

Australia is famous, for its diverse wildlife boasting a plethora of captivating creatures that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. One extraordinary animal that calls Australia home is the platypus.

The platypus is a aquatic mammal with distinct features such as a bill resembling that of a duck webbed feet and a tail reminiscent of a beaver. What sets them apart is their nature; male platypuses possess spurs on their hind legs, which they employ during mating season. Additionally these fascinating creatures possess the ability to detect signals aiding them in locating prey underwater.

Another remarkable Australian animal is the echidna, also known as the anteater. Echidnas are mammals that lay eggs and possess elongated snouts adorned with spines over their bodies. They belong to a group of egg laying mammals called monotremes— two such species exist worldwide with the platypus being one of them.

Australia also boasts an array of animals like the Tasmanian devil, kangaroo, koala, wombat and cassowary, among countless others.

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