How to not get food poisoning on vacation in Australia

Here are some tips to help you prevent food poisoning during your vacation, in Australia;

  1. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Do this before and after meals after using the restroom and after touching things in places.
  2. Opt for restaurants and food stalls that appear clean and have a turnover of food. Prepared food is less likely to be contaminated.
  3. Avoid consuming undercooked meat, poultry, seafood or eggs.
  4. Stay away from dairy products like milk and cheese as they can contain bacteria.
  5. Exercise caution when eating street food especially if it has been sitting out in the sun or exposed to insects.
  6. Choose boiled water over tap water. Also avoid ice cubes and beverages made with tap water like coffee or tea.
  7. Use a food thermometer to ensure that cooked meals, meat and poultry items reach temperatures.
  8. Practice food storage habits by keeping items refrigerated or frozen until you’re ready to cook them.
  9. Refrain from sharing utensils, cups or plates with others as this can contribute to the spread of bacteria.
  10. If you experience symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or fever indicative of food poisoning seek attention.

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